Monday, August 2, 2010

"AIDS FOR KIDS" Winning Entry for Week July 24-30, 2010

[Sly Salesmen. Image:]



Number of Blogs updated this week: 19
Number of posts read this week: 44

This is a bit of a side note, but if you'll notice, we just have one extra number of blog updated from last week. Instead of 18, we have 19 this week. And, here's the freaky part; it's same the number of posts as last week. What are the odds it would be exactly the same number?

Best Blog Post of the Week

Winning entry for the honor of Best Blog Post in Delhi's blogosphere for the week of July 24 Saturday - July 30 Friday, 2010 is:

"AIDS FOR KIDS" by Saad Akhtar dated July 26, 2010 at "Fly You Fools."

About the Post: The post is actually a comic strip. Saad takes on the subject of dirty sales tactics some store salesmen use to make you buy their stuff. In this particular comic strip, he takes the example of a toy store salesman who guilt trips a mother into buying some over-priced plastic toy that probably cost pittance to make.

Interaction between the salesman and the lady customer is too funny not to read.

What I liked most about the comic is how the salesman has several modes which he switches to every time one of is sales tactic fails. Hilarious.

[Note: Some might object to this post being a winning entry because Saad's comics get published in Hindustan Times. However, you should know that I have confirmation by the author that this specific strip was not published. Therefore it qualifies to be a winning entry.]

[Saad Akhtar. Image: FYF]
About the Blogger: [ I don't have much information about the blogger. So I paste the following text taken from the blogger's About Page.]

"The author’s name is Saad Akhtar. He is a New Media designer from the National Institute of Design. He works as an Interaction Designer with a software company in Delhi."


This week, like last, we had only one contending blog post for the top pick. And the runner-up is:

"Hurray for illiteracy" by Nimpipi, dated July 27, 2010 at "The Woodchuck Chucks"

The post touches on the issue of how locally produced products have error filled labels in English on it. Something I'm sure we're all familiar with. Nimpipi, relates a personal experience where she offers her writing services to one of her favorite product manufacturing companies and yet gets ignored. Definitely worth a read.


I'm afraid, this week we have nothing to report. It was pretty much a quite week as far as Delhi's blogosphere in concerned.

However, if you consider Delhi Speaks Like This Only to be part of Delhi's blogosphere, then I have a major announcement to make.

Public Service Announcement

It is with great pain that I have to inform you that this is most likely DSLTO's last issue.

I didn't think it would happen this fast but, I have happened to come upon a bigger project, which will require all of my available time, leaving none for this blog. I'm really sorry to say it.

I am about to start and run an actual paper of sorts. I can not tell you more about it because I'll be running it under my real name.

Now since I'm the only one running DSLTO as of now, I'm afraid there will be no one to scan and read Delhi's blogosphere to pick a winning entry for next week.

Position Open for Editor at DSLTO

If there is anybody who would like to take on the responsibility of this blog, I'll be happy to pass it on to you. Let me know if you're interested.

Maybe Next Week

If we get someone to run this blog by next week, then we'll come out with a new edition. If not, then just check back later sometime.

I believe the idea behind this blog is a good one. And if I ever get time, I'll start it back again. Just stay subscribed to know when that happens.

Although I won't be scanning and reading the entire Delhi's blogosphere from now on, I do however read many Delhi blogs, and I'll try to highlight good blog posts whenever I come across one, on my personal blog at

Hope to see you there.

Hopefully, until next time, take care and Happy Blogging!

[Read our previous issues here: Winning Entries]
SUBSCRIBE: Remember to subscribe to this blog to receive blog updates via Email or a Reader. SUGGEST A BLOG: If you know a Delhi based blog you think should be included on our blogroll, then suggest it to us by leaving a comment or sending us an email at delhispeakslto[at]gmail[dot]com. *****

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